Upon completion of the lesson, participants will be able to:
Identify the characteristics of Hydrogen Sulfide.
Identify the symptoms due to H2S Exposure.
List the PPE required during an Hydrogen Sulfide outbreak. Identify Actions to be taken in case of exposure.
Identify action to be taken in case of an emergency due to H2S exposure.
Course Contents
Terms / What is the Hydrogen Sulphide?
Where might you find Hyou find H2S?
Characteristics of H2S / How is H2S Formed? / Properties of H2S
The Hazards
Health Effects / Effect of Hydrogen Sulphide on human
How does H2S affect individuals?
Toxicity of H2S
Toxicity table
H2S Precautions
Safety Measures
Protection / Rescue & First aid
Protective Breathing Apparatus